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Osprey have returned to the area

D71_1504 Osprey sitting on the nest on the Voice of God at work D71_1504

Osprey sitting on the nest on the Voice of God at work

D5C_6665 Buffleheads on the York River D5C_6665

Buffleheads on the York River

D5C_6679 Osprey nest just past College Creek on the CNHParkway D5C_6679

Osprey nest just past College Creek on the CNHParkway

D5C_6715 Eagle at College Creek D5C_6715

Eagle at College Creek

D5C_6728 GBK over College Creek D5C_6728

GBK over College Creek

D5C_6735 Cormorant praying in frony of Larry's Lemonade in Yorktown D5C_6735

Cormorant praying in frony of Larry's Lemonade in Yorktown